

Publication en français en bas de la page

I always get asked what Superfoods I use in my smoothies. Apart from my fresh veggies and fruits, I always use functional foods in a powder version so that I get all the nutrients my body needs. 


The mix I have used daily for the past few months is from VEGAVERO. I love their products, it is a German brand and everything is organic and vegan. 

The Superfood Mix I use contains 17 superfoods such as Wheatgrass*, Barley Grass*, Spirulina*, Moringa*, Aronia powder*, Chlorella vulgaris*, peppermint leaf*, pomegranate seeds*, Matcha*, orange peel*, lemon peel*, ginger*, turmeric*, beetroot*, spinach*, cinnamon*, nettle* (*from organic cultivation)

it is delicious and one or two teaspoons in your smoothie is enough to get you all the above micronutrients you need in a day and start detoxing the body. 

You can also get probiotics from the same brand for better digestion.  Probiotics are microorganisms/live bacteria that is good for you and your gut. You usally find it in fermented products such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir... The problem is that these products are not always on the menu so to be sure to get your daily dose, get it here. Click on the photo and let me know how you get on! 

You can use the code HOLISTIC10 to get 10% off if you live in France.

Disclaimer: Unpaid post. Affiliate link

On me demande toujours quels super-aliments j'utilise dans mes smoothies. A part mes fruits et légumes frais, j'utilise une poudre de plantes qui me fournit tout ce dont j'ai besoin quotidiennement.


Le mélange que j'utilise tous les jours depuis des mois maintenant est de la marque VEGAVERO. C'est une marque Allemande et leurs produits sont bio et vegan.

Le mélange SUPERFOOD MIX contient 17 super-aliments: agropyre, herbe d'orge, spiruline, moringa, poudre d'aronie, chlorelle, feuilles de menthe poivrée, graines de grenade, poudre de matcha, zeste d'orange, zeste de citron, racine de gingembre, curcuma, betterave, épinards, cannelle de cèdre, racine de persil et ortie. 

Tous ces ingrédients sont de culture biologique et permettent au corps de mieux de désintoxiquer. Une à deux cuillères à café dans un smoothie vous fournira la dose de super-aliments ci-dessus nécessaires à un bon fonctionnement de l'organisme. 

Vous pouvez aussi vous procurer les probiotiques de la même marque. Je conseille les probiotiques à mes clients afin de réintroduire la bonne bactérie dans l'intestin pour reconstituer la flore intestinale et protéger les intestins.
En général on trouve cette bactérie dans les produits fermentés comme la choucroute, le kimchi, le kombucha, le kefir entre autres. Le problème est que nous n'en consommons pas tous les jours et il est donc plus sûr d'avoir sa dose quotidienne dans une capsule. De plus, le produit contient aussi de l'inuline. L’inuline est un prébiotique qui favorise la prolifération des bactéries ayant un effet bénéfique sur l’organisme. Grâce à ses effets symbiotiques sur le transit intestinal, l'inuline, en nourrissant et stimulant la croissance des bifidobactéries dans le côlon, active le système immunitaire et agit de façon préventive contre les bactéries pathogènes.

Cliquez sur la photo ci-dessus et utilisez le code HOLISTIC10 juste avant le paiement afin de bénéficier d'une réduction de 10%
Lien affilié


Tarte tatin (Vegan, GF and oil free)

Recette en français en bas de la page après les photos


5 cooking apples (peeled and cut in thin sticks)
1 lime juice

1 1/2 mug oat flour (grind oat flakes if possible)
1 mug almond flour (grind your own if possible)
1/3 mug coconut or Muscovado sugar
1 TBS cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1 pinch baking soda
1 pinch of pink Himalayan salt

1 banana (mashed)
2 TBS maple syrup
1/3 mug oat milk or plant-based milk of choice


Preheat oven at 180°C. Line a tart pan with recycled parchment paper.

In a large bowl, stir all dry ingredients and half of the lime juice.
Add the mashed banana and milk and stir until well combined (add a little milk if needed). Put aside.

In another bowl, put your apples in thin sticks with the maple syrup and the other half of the lime juice and stir until apples are coated.

Put apples first in tart pan then spread the "cake" mixture over it making sure it covers all of the apples sticks.

Bake for 30 minutes until brown on top. Wait until it cools down to flip it over. Delicious warm or cold.


5 pommes à cuire (épluchées et coupées en allumettes)
1 jus de citron vert

1 1/2 mug farine d'avoine (moudre ses flocons si possible)
1 mug amandes en poudre (moudre ses amandes si poss)
1/3 mug sucre de coco ou Muscovado
1 cuillère à soupe de cannelle en poudre
1 cuillère à café de mélange pour pain d'épice
1 pincée de bicarbonate de soude
1 pincée de sel rose de l'Himalaya

1 banane écrasée
2 cuillères à soupe de sirop d'érable
1/3 mug lait d'avoine ou amande ou de son choix


Préchauffer le four à 180°C. Chemiser le moule à tarte avec un papier sulfurisé recyclé.

Dans un grand saladier, mélanger tous les ingrédients secs et y ajouter le demi jus de citron vert.
Ajouter la banane écrasée, le lait et bien mélanger. Ajouter un petit peu de lait si nécessaire. Réserver.

Dans un autre saladier, mettre les pommes coupées en bâtonnets avec le sirop d'érable et l'autre moitié du jus de citron vert. Bien mélanger jusqu'à ce que les bâtonnets soient bien recouverts.

Mettre les pommes en premier dans le moule à tarte puis étaler le mélange par dessus afin de bien les recouvrir.

Enfourner pour 30 minutes jusqu'à ce le dessus soit bien doré. Laisser refroidir avant de retourner la tarte. Délicieux tiède ou froid.


Vegan panna cotta with mango coulis

Recette en français en bas de la page après les photos

INGREDIENTS: (makes 4)

1 ripe mango (peeled and chopped, save some little cubes for the topping)
200 ml coconut cream
1/2 teaspoon agar agar (2 g)
3 tablespoons coconut sugar (or Muscovado sugar)
Some desiccated coconut


Cook the coconut cream, sugar and agar agar over medium heat stirring at all times using a whisk. Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer for another minute, still stirring.

Take off heat and pour into ramekins. While this is cooling, cut the mango and put all the bits in a high speed blender (save some cubes for later) and blend until you get a puree.

Pour over your panna cotta, add the little cubes of mango and the desiccated coconut on top.
Chill in fridge for a minimum of three hours.

Panna cotta avec coulis de mangue


Une mangue mure (épluchée et coupée, gardez quelques petits cubes pour la déco)
200 ml crème de coco
1/2 cuillère à café d'agar agar  (2g)
3 cuillères à soupe de sucre de coco (ou Muscovado)
Noix de coco rapée pour la déco


Mettre la crème de coco, le sucre et l'agar agar dans une casserole et cuire à feu moyen jusqu'à ébullition en ne cessant de mélanger avec un fouet. Une fois à ébullition, baisser le feu et continuer de mélanger pendant une minute.

Mettre la crème dans 4 ramequins. Pendant que cela refroidit, couper la mangue et mettre les morceaux dans un blender et réduire en purée.

Couvrir la crème de ce coulis dans les ramequins puis décorer avec des dés de mangue.
Saupoudrer de noix de coco rapée. Metre au frigo pendant trois heures minimum.


Nutty Banana Bread

Recette en français en bas de la page après les photos

Send help! I can't stop eating this! It is so moist and delicious I just cannot resist.... which is totally fine (I keep telling myself) since it is free of refined products and made with wholefoods. Let me know in the comments if you make this!


3 medium ripe bananas (+1/2 cut lengthwise to decorate)
5 tablespoons grape seed oil
3 tablespoons coconut sugar (or Muscovado)
1 level mug spelt flour (gluten free flour works great too)
1 large pinch baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
1 teaspoon mixed spice
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons almond milk (or 3 TBS aquafaba)
2 large handfuls of nuts and dried fruit of choice (in this case, I used almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, sultanas, pumpkin seeds and cranberries)


Preheat your fan oven at 180°C (350°F).
Line a loaf pan with parchment paper or oil your pan.

Peel the bananas and mash them all up in a glass bowl. When you've pureed them, add the oil and stir thoroughly.
Add the sugar, stir, then the flour and baking soda and mix everything.
You can then add the spices and nuts and finally the dairy free milk.

Transfer the mixture into the pan. You can decorate the top with pumpkin seeds and a banana sliced lengthwise.

Bake for around 35-40 minutes until golden brown and until your knife comes out clean.

Cake à la banane et noix à coque


3 bananes moyennes bien mûres (+ une demi coupée dans le sens de la longueur pour la déco)
5 cuillères à soupe d'huile de pépins de raisin
3 cuillères à  soupe de sucre de coco (ou Muscovado)
1 mug de farine de petit épeautre
1 grosse pincée de bicarbonate de soude
1/2 cuillère à café de gingembre en poudre
1 cuillère à café de mélange pour pain d'épices en poudre
1/2 cuillère à café de cannelle en poudre
2 cuillères à soupe de lait d'amande (ou 3 d'aquafaba)
Deux grosse poignées de fruits et noix à coque de votre choix (j'ai utilisé pour cette recette, des amandes, des noisettes, des cajous, des noix, des raisins secs, des graines de courge et des cranberries)


Préchauffez votre four  à chaleur tournante à 180°C.
Mettez un papier sulfurisé ou huilez votre moule à cake.

Epluchez les bananes puis les écraser à la fourchette dans un saladier. Ajoutez l'huile et mélangez.
Ajoutez ensuite le sucre puis la farine et le bicarbonate. Mélangez à nouveau. Incorporez les épices, les fruits secs, les noix puis le lait.
Mélangez jusqu'à obtention d'une pâte homogène.

Transférez dans le moule à cake puis décorez avec des graines de courge et la demi banane coupée en deux dans le sens de la longueur.

Cuire pendant 35 à 40 minutes, votre couteau doit ressortir sec.


Curly hair routine

It is always a surprise when people ask me about my hair. I was regularly made fun of at school because I stood out in the middle of an ocean of straight and thin hair. It affected my confidence growing up and of course I ended up straightening it chemically to blend in until I realised, years ago, that it was time to embrace what I was given and that I was, in fact, very lucky to have something different and beautiful. 

There are many methods out there for curly hair ... If you go on Google or YouTube, you will find endless articles and videos. Now, let's be clear, I am not a beauty blogger ... but I do love health and this is just what I do for my hair to be healthy. 

The most important thing is to know what hair type you have.  Mine is dry and curly (type 3B/C) and I have A LOT of it! I probably get that from my Italian side... thank you Dad! haha

I tend to use natural and organic products as much as possible. I deep condition once a week every week the day before I wash my hair. I'll use a generous amount of softened or fractionated organic coconut oil in my hair and leave it on overnight as a mask then put my hair up in a loose bun before going to bed. (Protect your pillow but covering it with a microfibre towel).

The next day, I either use a solid shampoo bar or a moisturising paraben and silicon free shampoo. I love SHEA MOISTURE products but they do not have a lot of plastic free options yet. I try to live plastic-free as much as I can these days and I'm probably about 80% at the moment. (The rule is to finish everything I own right now and never buy anything plastic again). I love LUSH products for that. 

I rinse out the shampoo, then apply a solid conditioner bar or a coconut based conditioner throughout until my hair is well coated and I get a good slip. I flip it over and brush it through. I rinse it out and coat my hair again with the same conditioner.

This is where my routine may differ. I do NOT rinse out. I brush it thoroughly then apply a good amount of water based gel with prayers hands then I scrunch my whole head (it should make a squishy noise).

I put my hair in a micro fibre towel and leave it on to soak up the excess moisture for about 10 to 15 minutes. I then diffuse on cool air until my hair is dry. If I have time, I let it air dry but I find that my curls are always more defined with the diffuser.

At night, I put my hair up in a messy bun when I go to bed and just refresh my curls in the morning with a water spray and lavender and rosemary essential oils (I use DoTERRA) or a little leave-in SHEA MOISTURE conditioner.

It takes a while to find a routine that suits you so don't be shy to experiment. Let me know how you get on. For me, it is all about hydration and hold. What about you?

PS: This post is not sponsored. I just genuinely like and use these brands. 


3 reasons to snack on nuts

Nuts are amazing (except if you're allergic then well... they're not... obviously)

They are bite size, easy to grab on the go and are so nutritious. They aren't all equal though. My top three would be almonds for fiber, walnuts for Omega 3s and peanuts for protein (fun fact: Peanuts are legumes, not nuts... they belong to the same family as beans and peas. Did I just blow your mind?)
So let's dive in.


Recent studies have shown that, even though they are high in fat, it is the good kind of fat, the fat that we need for our heart health. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and omega 3s and 6s. Studies have also shown that they also do not contribute to weight gain... so go nuts!


Most nuts are high in monounsaturated fat and eating them everyday will decrease bad cholesterol (called LDL) and inflammation in the body as well as high blood sugar. They also help with respiratory disease, diabetes, cancer and gallstones. They have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and can help repair tiny muscle injuries so they are great for runners or athletes.


Eating nuts such as almonds or walnuts will keep you full and satisfied meaning that you will not have the need to reach for unhealthy snacks. You will eat less during the day: The protein and fiber contained in nuts will suppress hunger while nourishing your body.

                                                           ~ OTHER NUTS ~
Hazelnuts are great to lower blood pressure and they can contribute to better heart health if you eat about 20 a day. Pecans are also good for cardiovascular disease and are the highest in antioxidants so eat about 8 to 10 a day. Cashews, however,  must not be eaten everyday. They contain zinc, copper and magnesium but a portion (about 15 to 20 cashews) contains between 2 and 3 grams of saturated fat.

Add nuts to your daily diet but whatever you do, buy them raw, unroasted and unsalted, without any added oil. You can roast them yourself if you need to but always at a low temperature.
What is your favourite nut and why? (Don't be cheeky eh!) Happy snacking!


Tis the season ... for the flu !

Well, Santa came early this year and on Christmas Eve, he delicately placed an unexpected gift in my stocking: the mighty flu!

For the first three days, I did not leave my bed nor see the light of day. It totally floored me. I felt like a strip of bacon, all twisted and crinkly, left to fry on a beach in the harsh sun.

I only got up to get to the bathroom to fill up my glass with fresh water and every time was a mini adventure.
I felt like a lost drunken dwarf, hunchback and all, bumping into walls and doors, tiptoeing as everything hurt. And I mean everything: toes, tummy, neck, shoulders, head, jaws, teeth, small muscles I did not even know I had... and to make things a little more interesting, I got an fibro and endo flare on top of it! Pure joy.

I "slept" an average of 16 hours a day, unable to breathe properly, with a burning throat, a fever, cold sweats, watery eyes, body aching all over....
I went from soft moaning noises to gentle rocking back and forth to a few hallucinations (think dolphins dancing in the tree outside my window... don't ask)

I haven't had much to eat apart from fruit and soup but this is definitely not the type of diet I'd follow to lose weight. I also had an allergic reaction to God knows what on my legs and arms... all red and itchy with blood spots all over.

If you know my story, you know that I really know pain and that my pain threshold is very high. And that I don't take any medication. This year has relatively been pain free for me because I've been sticking to a health routine that works.... Things got a little tough recently and I kind of let that go for a while. Big mistake!

Now, it is never good publicity for a therapist to admit that they got super sick but I could not careless. I am human and definitely not perfect and when I stray from what I'm supposed to do for my health, well, this happens. Last time I had the flu was actually on my birthday three years ago (I know what you are thinking.... this woman knows how to party, right?!) I was at a Jazz Festival and never saw any of it! Well, this year, the Christmas party happened downstairs and again, I saw none of it.

Why am I writing this? Two things.
One, whether you have a bunch of illnesses like me or not, bad things happen even if you regularly take good care of yourself. You cannot be in control of everything all the time... and that is ok. If you are suffering right now, start again now. Lots of fluid, oregano and ravensara essential oils, elderberry juice, lemon water etc... and lots of rest.

Two, I am definitely not the only one to which this happened over Christmas so I just want you to know that you are definitely not alone in this and that soon, you'll be fine with good levels of energy to ring in the New Year. In the meantime, be gentle with yourself.

Finally I really want to thank everyone who messaged me over the last few days, asking me how I was doing. It is always nice to see that someone is thinking of you when your head is down the toilet! :-)



(recette en français en bas de la page)

I took a long break from the blog over the summer. I mainly focused on developing my business but I also took some much needed time off. I had come to a point where I put everyone else's needs before mine... which is fine...after all, it is my job to guide and coach those who want to get their health back on track. However as the saying goes, you cannot pour from an empty cup. So I went and filled my cup with what I wanted! Reading a book, meditating and doing yoga outside, taking long strolls in the woods, on the beach and exploring Portugal (more on that soon!) ... I welcomed the peace and quiet with open arms.

We are now nearly at the end of September and the pace has accelerated. We are back at work, the kids have settled in their new school routine and the days are getting shorter.
In order to keep our spirits high, I'd say this recipe is VERY important ☺

These pancakes are a must-make! They are delicious, fluffy and SO tasty it is unreal...They are ridiculously easy to make and gluten free. Oh, and you only need 3 ingredients. Mind blown.

My friends call them Isa's magical pancakes and it makes me happy every time I hear that.

I make them pretty much every Sunday (if it were just me, I'd actually make them everyday) and we never get bored of them. (Did I mention how fluffy they are?) 😉 I top them with fruits and berries and nuts and maple syrup and melted chocolate and warm compote...the choice is yours! Leave me a comment if you make them! x

INGREDIENTS: (for 2 people)

1 large mug of organic oat flakes
1 large mug and 1/4 of nut milk of your choice (I use oat or almond milk, you can add more later if you want to )
1 banana
1 teaspoon of orange blossom (optional)

METHOD: Put all the ingredients into a high-speed blender and blitz away!
Heat up your pan (I use grape seed or coconut  oil)
Pour a little amount of the mixture into the pan and cook for a couple of minutes. When you see little holes and bubbles on top, it is time to gently flip them over.
Serve immediately with syrup and fruit.

Mes pancakes magiques

INGREDIENTS (pour 2 personnes)

1 grand mug de flocons d'avoine bio
1 grand mug  1/4 de lait végétal de votre choix (j'utilise du lait d'amande ou d'avoine, vous pouvez en rajouter un peu selon vote goût)
1 banane
1 cuillère à café de fleur d'oranger

METHODE: Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un blender puissant et mixer.
Faire chauffer une crêpière (j'utilise de l'huile de pépins de raisins ou de coco)
Verser un peu de la pâte dans la poêle et faire cuire pendant quelques minutes. Quand des petites bulles ou petits trous apparaissent, vous pouvez les retourner délicatement.
Servir immédiatement avec des fruits frais, du sirop d'érable, des noix à coques, du chocolat fondu, des compotes tièdes...


Health update June 2018

This time last year,  I was still struggling with my health. I couldn't do much and when I did, my body would hate me for days. I would get stabbing pain in my lower back and abdomen as well as constant pain in my leg and arm muscles pretty much all the time. The extreme fatigue did not help either. I would sometimes tear up from pain just to get out of bed. Little did I know then, that a few months later, I would add Fibromyalgia to my list of illnesses. I will spare you the details but all of it wore me out and took a toll on my mental health. The only thing that kept me going at the time was studying for my holistic naturopathy and nutrition exam. That was my goal and I put a lot of work into it. I broke down into tears from relief and joy when I passed as you can imagine.

Fast forward about 12 months and here we are. My pain has been very low for at least 3 months now (I'm actually afraid to say this out loud so please Universe, don't go all Murphy's Law on me!). I have a lot of energy throughout the day that I didn't have before. I can do things at the weekend like take a trip in the van or have long workout sessions or go on 8-kilometre mountain hikes (that's 5 miles for my non metric friends 😊). It might not sound like much for a standard person but it is pretty amazing for a spoonie. And it is definitely amazing to me. A few months ago, I never thought that I would be this active again without paying the physical consequences later. So let me tell you about what I have been doing. But before I go on, just remember that everybody is different and that my lifestyle might not work 100% for you and that you might have to tweak it to suit your needs. I am lucky enough to work for myself and to decide on my working hours... and even though I do have more energy than before, I still take short breaks now and then. Rest is essential for our bodies to regenerate and function properly.

January was a pretty bad month health wise. The aftermath of my exam, the effects it had on my body and mind and let's be real... it was a tad ambitious of me to think I could take 2 trips in one month without worrying about what I could or could not eat and how my body would respond... Anyhoo, it was bad and eventually took its toll on me so after I got back home, the first thing I did was to forgive myself for falling off the wagon and I started taking care of myself properly again.

I created a health routine, I even made a free guide about it (If you don't have it and want more health tips and recipes, you can find it HERE, it's free!...you're welcome 😊). 

But about three months ago, I even took it further. The routine was working well, I was sleeping again and I felt happier however I was still in pain. So I focused on getting my body all the micro-nutrients that it needed. What is a micro-nutrient you ask? Well, first you need to know that "mAcro-nutrients" with an A are fat, carbs and protein. Micro-nutrients are commonly referred to as minerals and antioxydants (think acid folic, manganese, iron, potassium, amino acid, zinc for example) as well as all your vitamins.  They are essential to the proper functioning of the body's various systems and  work together with the macro-nutrients.. They are needed in small quantities everyday and a lack of micro-nutrients can lead to serious health issues such as anaemia, brain damage, miscarriages, osteoporosis, eczema, chronic symptoms and so on. 

I receive emails and messages daily from people all over the world telling me about their health and what they are doing ...and I often say the same thing: it might not be what you're doing or what you are eating but it is more than likely what you are NOT eating or doing.... 
Of course what you eat and how you eat it is key as food is our primary medicine. But you also need to look at what you are not giving your body and what you should include into your everyday eating habits.

The answer is simple: Start juicing! And if you have just rolled your eyes at me, it is clear that you have never done it or not for long enough.
By juicing everyday, once or twice a day maybe morning and lunch (I am NOT talking about a juice fast here) and embracing a more plant-based whole foods diet, I promise you will quickly see an improvement on your health. Simple as that. I am proof that it works and with everything else that I am doing, juicing has tremendously helped to improve my blood circulation and boost my immune system. And it is not just me. By juicing and taking care of your gut, you can eliminate toxins and chronic diseases and bad bacteria. And let's face it, you can never have too many vegetables. It is also a very good way to get a great amount of veg if you don't like to eat them. In one tall glass, you can actually get all the benefits of three of four servings depending on what you put in your juicer. 

You will also notice improvement in your digestion (since it is a juice, you will gain back the energy you normally use to digest your normal food), improvement in your skin (it will brighten and clear up), your vision will improve too (carrots contain Vitamin A which is good for your eyes for exemple), your energy will be off the charts (without any crashes later on), your body will get rid of the toxins (which can slow you down) leaving you with clean filtering organs (like your liver, colon and kidneys),  you will get that hydration that is essential to our bodies since fruit and veg contain a good amount of water and finally, you will also start to lose weight. It will also improve your mental health as you will start to feel happier. 
NB: you should not rely on juices only for hydration but continue to drink a lot of water everyday throughout the day, and if you find it boring, just infuse it with basil, lemon, cucumber, berries or whatever herb or fruit you like.

- Whatever you do, don't buy your juice as you do not want any added sugar or additives in it. Unless someone makes it at a juice bar in front of you, it is always better to make it yourself. If you want some quick recipes, I am thinking about posting a few so let me know if you are interested - on here or on Instagram - (There are already a few in my Instagram highlights in the Health Tips section).

Of course, you also need some common sense. If you continue to grill steaks every time you organise a barbecue or have fried food or chicken wings dipped in whatever greasy sauce or munch on sweets or crisps or all of the above, you will get little to zero benefit from juicing. However if you decide to seriously start taking care of yourself, eating right and juicing is the way to go.
It tastes fresh and delicious and you can get creative with fruit and veg of course, but also herbs and roots and plants. You will be amazed at what you can do and how your body will respond.

And for my spoonies out there, if you only have one or two spoons to spare, just do this for yourself, for your body. It will thank you later. (Juice, go back to couch, drink slowly and let someone else do the cleaning for today 😌) 

Every little step counts and as I always say: do not forget that YOU have the power to heal yourself. It is never too late and choosing to do so is always a step in the right direction. You got this.



Recette en français en bas de la page

We are two days into Spring and where I am in France, it is still cold, still grey, still dull. *SIGH* Which is maybe why I haven't blogged in a while. I've been in denial, hibernating and thinking about warmer pastures.

A couple of days ago, I made this lovely and simple Marinara sauce.... the smell in my kitchen was just divine! Whilst stirring, I closed my eyes for a minute and pictured myself on the Mediterranean Coast with a soft breeze in my hair and the sun gently hitting my face.... I could feel the warmth hugging me tight... until I dropped my spoon in the pan! Anyway, until the sun comes back, you can make this and pretend you're on the French Riviera :-D
Oh and I have a personal message to address:  "Dear Winter, you have overstayed your welcome, time to bugger off now, K bye!"


2 small onions (white or yellow)
4 cloves garlic
700g ripe tomatoes, blended smoothly ( or a big bottle of organic passata)
1 teaspoon paprika
A pinch of crushed chillies
A pinch of Cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon tomato paste
Some oregano and basil (I used a drop of pure organic essential oils but you can use dried or fresh herbs, 1 teaspoon each)
1/2 glass red wine
1/2 glass water
Some grapeseed oil for the pan
Pink salt and freshly ground pepper
Basil leaves to decorate


Blend your tomatoes in a high speed blender until smooth.
Finely chop onions and garlic (wait for 10 minutes before you cook your garlic)
Heat the oil in a pan (I used a wok) and add your onions and garlic. Stir and cook for a few minutes until golden.
Add the paprika and tomato paste. Stir, add the wine and cook for another 2 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, water, chillies, Cayenne pepper and oils (or herbs). Stir for a few seconds then reduce the heat and cover with a lid.
Simmer for an hour. I use a heat diffuser as the longer it cooks, the better it will be.
Season to taste and serve with pasta or rice or grain of choice. Top with basil leaves.

INGREDIENTS (pour 4 personnes):

2 petits onions blancs ou jaunes
4 gousses d'ail
700 g tomates mûres, mixées finement (ou une grande bouteille de purée de tomates bio)
1 C à C paprika
Une pincée de piment en flocons
Une pincée de piment de Cayenne ou d'Espelette suivant les préférences
1 C à S de concentré de tomates
De l'origan et basilic (j'ai utilisé une goutte de mes huiles essentielles mais vous pouvez aussi utiliser des herbes fraîches ou séchées suivant les préférences, 1 C à C de chaque)
1/2 verre de vin rouge bio
1/2 verre d'eau (utiliser un verre d'eau entier si vous ne buvez pas d'alcool)
De l'huile de pépin de raisin pour la poêle
Du sel rose de l'Himalaya et du poivre noir fraîchement moulu
Des feuilles de basilic pour décorer


Peler et mixer vos tomates dans un blender de haute puissance. (Passer à l'étape suivante si vous avez une bouteille de purée de tomates).
Tailler finement les oignons et l'ail (attendre 10 minutes avant de cuire l'ail!)
Faire chauffer l'huile dans le plat (j'ai utilisé un wok) et ajouter oignon et ail. Mélanger et faire cuire pendant quelques minutes jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient dorés.
Ajouter le paprika et le concentré de tomates. Remuer jusqu'à l'obtention d'une pâte puis ajouter le vin. Diluer.
Ajouter ensuite les tomates, l'eau, les piments, les herbes (ou huiles essentielles). Remuer quelques instants puis réduire la chaleur à feu très doux et mettre un couvercle.
Mijoter pendant une heure (une demi heure est aussi possible), j'utilise un diffuseur, plus ca mijotera, meilleur ce sera.
Assaisonner à votre gout et servir sur un lit de spaghetti sans gluten ou complètes ou riz complet ou quinoa.


FREE GUIDE FOR SPOONIES : My daily routine

Hi everyone,

It is here! Finally (and for EndoAwarenessMonth nonetheless)! I have been working on this guide for a while now and between spoonie life, normal life, tech issues and the rest, I am so happy that it will now get to do its own thing out in the world.

This guide is about my daily routine using only holistic ways. It has 15 pages full of health tips and 3 brand new recipes which I hope will inspire you to find your own routine and make your chronic pain a little more bearable. As a thank you for having been a big support the last few months, I'm gifting it to you all for FREE. :-)

I believe YOU have the power to heal yourself and that it is important to share our knowledge to end our suffering.

I'm currently working on a cookbook with more anti-inflammatory recipes and natural health tips. I will keep you posted when it comes out.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy this free guide! Let me know how you like it and feel free to share #holisticisa on social media if you use the tips or make the recipes.

Enjoy sweet spoonies and have an amazing day!

Enter your name and email on my homepage or click right here 


How and why I went vegan

A few weeks back, a few people asked me over on Instagram how and why I went vegan last July. I will mostly talk about the "how" in this post as I feel the "why" is personal to each and everyone of us. My "why" was a combination of health, illness management, my love for all animals, research on how they are treated and slaughtered as well as our planet and environment.

The "How" however is not that straightforward. I was a vegetarian for most of my life. Truth is, I've never liked the texture of meat (red, white, game or poultry). Too dense, too chewy, it was not really my taste.

Growing up, my parents raised me an omnivore. All organic food, straight from farmers and local markets. My father was an artisan baker (making sourdough bread and pastries in an wood-fired oven, something you do not see anymore nowadays). At the end of every other business day, he would trade dry or unsold bread with farmers who wanted animal feed, for eggs, poultry or milk.

We always had fresh milk, sour cream, cheese, organic free range eggs etc on the table. I would take a long time to finish my plate every time meat was on the menu. I would chew for hours (not kidding), finding it hard to swallow and if I didn't finish my lunch I would get the leftovers for dinner. Ugh. (The day we got a dog was a day filled with joy of course ... but it also meant that I could discreetly feed her the meat I could not eat under the table ;-))

Along the way and in no particular order I gave up most dairy, refined sugar and had a love-hate relationship with eggs. I also gave up fish 6 years ago. I even went vegan for a while in 2016 (truth: I cheated a little every month coz ...well, he following culprit)... cheese (mostly goat's cheese). This was why I never went fully vegan for more than a few weeks. I LOVED cheese. On pasta, on pizza, on crackers, on a platter with wine, cheese was my go-to snack. However, every time I had some, I would feel bloated afterwards, heavy and gassy (well, sorry but you've got to talk about this stuff!)
Many times I went off it but after a few days or weeks even I would always find my way back to it. It was like I was addicted (but later on that).

What got my attention was that every time I stopped eating cheese, I would feel much better and my gut was healthier. I won't go in depth into my health problems here but not eating cheese and dairy (even for a few days) seemed to have a positive effect on my gut, migraines and overall body. No inflammation! Also let's be real, there was no vile smell in the fridge! (Don't forget I live in France eh, stinky cheese and all....) Yet, I was too weak to give it up.

So I educated myself, did some research, watched videos and documentaries, read studies and I found out that there is a protein in cheese called casein which is highly addictive. Many doctors have conducted studies which prove that casein is slowly digested and once it enters our bloodstream, it releases heroin-like substances and causes severe addictions to cheese and dairy products. It is that strong. And as women, it also affects our mood and hormones.

After reading more and more about it, I decided to give it up for good. That was in July 2017. The first few days/weeks were hard. I was craving cheese big time. But I remained strong and turned to nuts and fruits and I even began making my own vegan cheese. About 4 weeks later, I weaned off of it. I was no longer craving it and having read studies and watched graphic images of how animals are treated, something clicked in my brain. I could not eat that stuff ever again. Not only for the animals but also for my health.

We've been brain-washed about the fact that we need dairy to get our daily dose of calcium. When you think about it, why not go straight to the source? Why get it through an animal? Just start eating more leafy greens, nuts, legumes or take supplements (which is also what is given to animals in the first place). And take vitamin supplements like B12.

Cooking and preparation wise, my transition to being completely vegan was not a big change from being a vegetarian... I just needed more ideas. I found other go-to snacks.
To be honest, it doesn't take very long to prepare meals.... and I am not a professional chef. You just need to change the way you shop and have staples in the house at all times.
For instance, in your pantry, you should always have brown rice, lentils, beans, chick peas, coconut milk/cream, lots of spices and herbs, nuts, Medjool dates, pasta (Gluten free if you can), you can also try quinoa, millet, couscous etc... That will be your big shopping for dry ingredients.
Every two or three days, you can shop the fresh stuff like fruits and vegetables (exotic fruits, avocados, pineapples and seasonal fruits and vegs etc). The point of going plant-based is for you to eat fresh, whole, colourful and seasonal produce.

Once you become more familiar with vegan cooking, everything will fall into place. And don't believe we only eat leaves and salads!! Being a vegan can be a feast! You can have burgers, lasagna, dahls, curries, pizza, pasta, stews, stir-fries, French fries, pies, soups, anything you want, except much healthier and probably more exciting, as once you start cooking, you will become more creative and start experimenting and find new flavours. The important thing is that you get excited about the food.

If you want to transition but are not too sure how, take baby steps. Give yourself time. It is better to do it gradually than to feel overwhelmed and give up. And most of all, stop buying processed foods and prepared meals, even vegan ones! Being plant based to me is all about whole foods, I would not want to eat something full of refined sugar, salt or fat or that I didn't make myself. It is so quick to throw a good whole foods tasty meal together. That's what veganism is to me. Whole foods that keep you fuller longer.
If you need inspiration, I hope you can find it on this blog where I regularly post yummy and easy to make recipes. There are also great blogs and websites out there to get you started.

I am by no means an agressive vegan. The above is my own experience and opinion. I think it is okay that people do whatever they want to do. To each their own. I only hope that I can inspire someone to take a moment to think about it or research it or educate themselves before they make their final choice. Specially if you suffer from chronic pain, an auto immune disease or if you just want to lose weight and be healthier. 

It has worked for me so, why not you? Just have fun with it :)


French Galette des Rois

Traditionally, on January 6th in France, we celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem (Epiphany) by sharing a galette with friends and family. A little charm called "Fève" is hidden inside the cake and if you get it in your slice (without choking on it ;-)), you get to wear a paper crown and be called a King or Queen for the day.

This galette is a puff pastry cake filled with an almond cream usually made with sour cream, sugar and eggs. Today, I want to share my vegan version, more digestible, anti inflammatory and made with natural sugars and no fat. It is delicious, very sweet and light!

INGREDIENTS: (Serves 10)

2 sheets of vegan puff pastry (round, 230 g each) (you can use gluten free, or filo pastry)
15 Medjool dates (or 20 Deglet Nour soaked for an hour in a little boiling water)
1 large mug almond milk
2 tablespoons apple puree
2 large mugs of almond meal (freshly ground in my NutriBullet)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon bitter almond extract (optional)
A little milk and melted coconut oil for the glaze


Preheat your oven to 180°C.
In a high speed blender, mix the dates, milk, apple puree and vanilla extract until a liquidy paste is formed. Transfer to a bowl and add the ground almonds. Stir gently.

Put parchment paper on a baking tray and lay the first puff pastry sheet. Pour the mixture onto it, spread it a little without going too close to the edges (leave about 2cm)
Place your little charm (not right in the middle!!) You can use an almond if you don't have one ;-)

Cover with the second pastry sheet and join the edges nicely, seal with a little almond milk. You can draw something on top if you want, but make sure to not go through the puff pastry with your knife.
Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown.
As soon as the galette is out of the oven, brush gently with the milk and oil mixture. It will give your galette a nice glaze. Serve warm or cold. Keeps well in the fridge for a few days.


3-ingredient chocolate pots de crème

Full disclosure: I am not crazy about chocolate. There, I said it. I like it but I'd much rather have something fruit-based. And when I do eat it, I pick dark (70%+). Always.

However when dealing with crazy hormones or fatigue or winter blues, there is nothing I like better than a creamy decadent chocolate dessert. Preferably something gooey and sweet (naturally sweet of course).

This recipe was born one evening with hormones out of whack and craving for something sweet.  I always only have whole foods in the house so I knew I would have to make something right there and then to satisfy my sweet tooth. Those three ingredients came to me as an evidence and boy, did the result hit the s(pot)! (See what I did there ? ;-))
 (Needless to say that I scoffed mine right away but you can have it chilled as well...

Dark chocolate contains flavenoids which help lower blood pressure and blood clot risk and improve mood. When choosing your chocolate, make sure it is dark with the highest percent of cocoa solids and pure cocoa butter, and less to none hydrogenated oils, dairy or soya. About 30g a day will give you all the nutritional benefits that you want.

(WARNING: Please note that you will need a high speed blender or mixer for this recipe, at least 600 Watt). I have made this with a small food processor and the crème turned out to be lumpy and quite dense, which was fine but not the original texture that I was looking for)

INGREDIENTS: (for 4 pots)

1 large mug of almond and rice milk (or any plant-based milk of your choice)
10 medjool dates (pitted)
50g dark chocolate (melted, preferably using a bain marie or water bath)


Blend everything together in a high speed blender until smooth. Pour evenly in ramekins. Chill for about 4 to 6 hours.... if you can wait for that long!


INGREDIENTS: (pour 4 ramequins)

1 grand mug de lait d'amande et riz (ou autre lait végétal de votre choix)
10 dattes Medjool (ou une quinzaine de dattes Neglour)
50g de chocolat noir (fondu au bain-marie) bien contrôler que les ingrédients ne contiennent pas de beurre ou de lait)

Mettre tous les ingrédients dans un blender/mixeur jusqu'à obtention d'une pâte lisse. Verser dans chaque ramequin et metttre au réfrigératuer pendant 4 à 6 heures  (4h minimum)


Vegan chocolate chip walnuts hazelnuts Brioche

Brioche is a big part of French culture as are croissants (plain and chocolate ones). However the traditional ones are made with eggs, milk and butter and sometimes even crème fraîche! Needless to say that your hips and tummy will not be as pleased as your taste buds :-) nor will be your health in general.
Cue the vegan brioche! Made with whole foods, fluffy, light, anti inflammatory and delicious (it was gone in less than 48 hours and there are only to of us in this household!)
I will definitely make this again and wake up to this on Christmas morning this year.

Warning: You will need to plan ahead and have some time on your hands as the dough needs to rest twice (2 X one hour)


370g wholemeal flour
100g cornstarch 
1/2 mug tepid rice milk
1/2 mug tepid aquafaba 
2 tablespoons brown sugar (or maple syrup)
5.5g fast action yeast
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon olive oil

4 tablespoons brown sugar
2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil (or non dairy butter)
100g chopped walnuts
100g chopped hazelnuts
100g soaked raisins (in alcohol of choice or just water)
100g chopped dark chocolate or chocolate chips


In a large bowl, mix all of the dry ingredients together. Add the tepid milk, aquafaba and oil and combine until everything sticks together.
Sprinkle a clean surface with flour, turn the dough onto it and start kneading for about 5 to 10 minutes until your dough is nice and smooth. Add a little more flour if needed. 
Grease a large bowl and place the dough ball in it. Cover with cling film and a towel on top. Leave to rest until it has doubled in size (about one hour)
Once rested, turn the dough out onto a floured surface and punch it down. Cut it in 3 equal parts and with a rolling pin, flatten it down in a rectangle shape.
Coat the dough with melted coconut oil or dairy free butter, sprinkle with sugar, add the nuts, raisins and chocolate. Starting with the side closest to you, roll the dough into a long tight roll. Make sure all sides are sealed well (you can use wet fingers) Repeat for the other two rolls.
Take a baking sheet and place on a baking tray. Take your 3 rolls, seal them at the top and carefully start plaiting. Again, seal ends well. Cover with a towel and rest for one hour.
Preheat your oven at 180°C. 
In a small bowl, mix one tablespoon of almond or rice milk with a little oil.
Just before you place your brioche in the over, brush the top with the mixture which will act as a glaze.
Bake for about 25 to 30 minutes until golden brown. 
Carefully, transfer from tray to a baking grid to avoid the bottom from going too brown and let cool.